These past two weeks have been great in terms of productivity but not so great in terms of sleep. I was beating myself up for not getting to bed at a reasonable hour and then it hit me, I’m so afraid of being called a hypocrite. As a coach, I preach the gospel of self care so when I’m not following my own advice, it feels embarrassing and vulnerable. Then, it occurred to me that it’s more important to the people I serve that I show up as imperfect.
So, yes. I don’t always go to bed on time or unplug right when the kids get home or put away my laundry as soon as they’re finished drying. And that’s okay. You can call me a hypocrite but I prefer human. The magic is realizing where I fell down, giving myself grace and trying to show up better tomorrow. Extra points for extending that grace to the rest of humanity. Go forth with empathy this week. For others and for yourself…
New Tagline!
The votes are in! A huge thank you to everyone who voted for the Wellthy Mama tagline. Based on 63% of the votes, our new tagline is (drumroll please)…“Be Rich in What Matters”. I’m so excited to continue building this community with you. Stay tuned for more opportunities to be involved!
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Until next time, live and be WELL!
You are human. Lol
Can’t wait to try the recipe! I love naan.