Only 8% of people do this one thing to achieve their goals
With the help of Mel Robbins, you can do it too...
The University of Scranton study suggests that a staggering 92% of people don't accomplish their goals long-term. The reason? They simply never get past that moment of resistance.
I know how easy it is to start the year with big, exciting goals, only to find yourself feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and disappointed when you’re 4 months in and you haven’t made progress you were hoping for.
But I'm here to tell you - it's not too late! There is still plenty of time this year to start chipping away at those big, intimidating goals and see real, meaningful progress.
One of my all-time favorite coaches, Mel Robbins, has found that the biggest obstacle we face is overcoming the initial inertia (aka inactivity) in our brains that tells us to wait, doubt ourselves, or give up.
But there is good news! 📣📣📣
What I’m not fittin’ to do here is gatekeep or make you feel like you need to go through me to get the help you need. I care about you moving the needle in the areas of your life that matter most. That's why I'm excited to share an amazing resource with you. Robbins developed a short, FREE, research-backed training to give you the motivation, mindset shifts, and practical strategies to help you overcome that initial hesitation and start making real progress on your biggest dreams.
Mel Robbins' "Make It Happen" 2-video training and workbook is designed to help you take your goals and break them down into actionable steps you can actually follow through on. And it’s FREE!!! All you have to do is sign up. And no…I don’t get any commissions or benefits besides knowing you are one step closer to a life you love.
At the same time, I also want you to know that I'm here to support you one-on-one as your life and accountability coach. Whether it's finally tackling that room you want to declutter, finishing that book you've been meaning to write, or finding ways to be more focused at work so you can truly unplug at home - I can help you get clear on your goals and provide the framework and accountability you need to make it happen.
Are you ready to stop letting that initial resistance hold you back? Book a free discovery call with me, and let's talk about how I can support you in turning your goals (and ultimately, your dream life) into reality.
Live and be well,