So many things I want to say! First--CONGRATULATIONS on the next step in completing your journal--yayayaya!! Second, I have been in love with the Day One App since 2011...probably the only app I've been this faithful to lol. I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better, friend. Those towels have been in my wish list...so thank you for that final push!

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Shekea, thank you so much for your support and encouragement always. It feels like a dream to be one step closer to having my journal in hand. The day one app has been amazing for me too. It's just so easy. I can't believe you've been using it since 2011. I heard they can turn your journal into a book. Is that something you would consider? Let me know if you buy any of the towels. I love to hear other people's opinions. Hope you are enjoying your summer!!!

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